Massimo Farina
“Legal IT”, “Forensic IT” and “IT law” professor at the University of Cagliari, where he is the Head of Personal Data Protection (DPO) and Coordinator of the University Laboratory “ICT4Law & Forensics”.
Graduated in Law (University of Cagliari), he obtained a PhD in “Law and New Technologies” (CIRSFID – University of Bologna) and a Level 2 University Master’s degree in: “Law and Theory and Technique of Informatics of Standardization” (University of Rome – “Sapienza”); “Data Protection Officer and Privacy Law” (University of Naples “Suor Orsola Benincasa”); “Internet of Humans and Things” (University of Rome – “Tor Vergata”).
Member of the ANDIG Council (National Association of Teachers of Legal Informatics and Computer Law), and Founder of “Network DirICTo” (network of experts and professionals, from all over Italy, in the field of Information Law and Legal Informatics).
Co-Director of the series “Computer law and new technologies” (Key Publisher) and author of numerous scientific and popular publications.